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15 Funny Sales Videos

Welcome to the lighter side of the sales world! If you’ve ever been in sales, you know the pressure can be intense and the situations—you guessed it—downright funny. Whether it’s the awkwardness of cold calls, the never-ending hustle, or those moments of sheer desperation to meet your quota, we’ve all had moments that are as hilarious as they are relatable.

That’s why we’ve curated our lists of funny sales quotes and funny sales videos that not only give you a hearty laugh but also offer unexpected insights into the art of selling. From iconic scenes in blockbuster movies to satirical skits that hit too close to home, these videos are the perfect comic relief for anyone who’s ever tried to close a deal. So sit back, relax, and prepare to laugh—because sales just got a whole lot funnier!

Here are our 15 Funny Sales Videos

1. “The Office – The Client Meeting”: A scene from “The Office” where Michael and Jan meet with a client to secure a deal. Michael’s unconventional methods both shock and intrigue.

2. “Alec Baldwin’s Speech from Glengarry Glen Ross”: Alec Baldwin’s intense sales pitch has ironic humor and is iconic within sales culture.

3. “Funny Sales Training”: A satirical take on sales training videos, poking fun at typical jargon or over-enthusiastic attitudes.

4. “Tommy Boy – Sales Pitch Scene”: Chris Farley’s character desperately tries to make his first sale, providing a lesson in what not to do during a sales pitch.

5. “Conference Call in Real Life”: Exaggerating the awkwardness of virtual sales meetings and conference calls.

6. “Zootopia – Jumbo Pop Hustle Scene”: Judy and Nick swindle a mouse, offering a delightful twist on sales and negotiation techniques.

7. “Door-to-Door Salesman – Family Guy”: Encapsulating the awkwardness that sometimes accompanies door-to-door sales.

8. “Wolf of Wall Street – The Pen Scene”: Leonardo DiCaprio’s “sell me this pen” is amusing for its over-the-top confidence.

9. “The Simpsons – Homer Sells a Car”: A comedic look at the desperate lengths some salespeople will go to close a deal.

10. “Friends – Phoebe’s Phone Sales Job”: Unique challenges and interactions, as Phoebe takes a job as a telemarketer.

11. “Parks and Recreation – Entertainment 720”: A hilarious look at how NOT to launch and sell a business idea.

12. “Seinfeld – Kramer and the Car Salesman”: Kramer’s unique style of business negotiation is humorously portrayed.

13. “Sales Therapy- try SalesMesh from AppMesh”

Sales reps and CRM have been married for a couple decades now. What would it be like if they got the chance to talk things out?

14. “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off – The Valet Scene”: A depiction of how not to treat your customer’s prized possessions, although not strictly a sales scene.

15. “Monster Tips: Nailing the handshake” –

A handshake is the first physical interaction you’ll have with a recruiter, customer, fellow sales rep, or hiring manager so you’ve got to nail it.

Laughter is a universal language, and as we’ve seen today, it can be the secret sauce that makes the tough world of sales a little more digestible. Whether you’re a sales veteran or a newbie looking for a leg up, we hope these funny sales videos not only brought a smile to your face but also provided some key takeaways to help you on your sales journey. Remember, sales might be serious business, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find the humor in it. So, the next time you’re about to walk into a high-stakes meeting or make that nerve-wracking cold call, think back to these videos and take a moment to smile. After all, a good laugh can be the best sale of all. Happy selling!

Ho, and if you like to discuss sales, please don’t hesitate to ping us here!
