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Our Top 21 Picks to Buy Leads in 2023

Buy Leads

We’ve all been there – the constant quest for quality leads that propel our company towards financial growth and stability. But where do you find these golden business leads that align with your organization’s unique needs? Let me walk you through it! We are here to help you buy leads.

Do You Want to Do the Heavy Lifting Yourself, or Let the Pros Handle It?

Deciding whether to do the lead generation work in-house or outsource it can be quite a pickle. Let me tell you from personal experience, it involves the nitty-gritty tasks of hiring and managing a team of researchers and strategists to build customer profiles, search for contacts, and more. But hey, why not consider letting a professional company do the job? It could save you time, effort, and possibly give you better results.

A lead provider, like Edamame, isn’t just a company offering leads; they’re essentially a one-stop solution that can manage your lead generation process end-to-end while ensuring the data used is GDPR compliant. And guess what makes a lead provider stand out from the crowd?

The Eternal Dilemma: Should You Buy or Build Lead Lists?

This is a question I’ve wrestled with many times myself. Buying leads can be a gamble if you don’t do enough homework on the provider. However, if you choose the right lead list provider, they bring the much-needed expertise to the table. One of the most challenging aspects of building lists is segmentation, something professional providers excel in.

The Right Time to Buy Leads: Keeping It Real with Personal Experiences

Buying leads isn’t a one-time affair. In my years in business, I’ve found three key scenarios where buying leads made a significant difference: when the sales pipeline was nearing emptiness, during a slump in sales, and when launching a new campaign. My advice? Stay vigilant about these situations and plan your lead purchases accordingly.

“Preparing to Buy Lead Lists: 3 Steps to Getting it Right” – Let’s Get Personal and Practical

Purchasing lead lists can seem like a daunting task, especially if it’s your first time. However, by breaking it down into manageable steps and applying some of the lessons I’ve learned from my own experiences, we can simplify the process. Ready to take this journey with me?

Step 1: Review the Offerings – Get to Know Your Provider

Before you commit to buy leads from a vendor, take some time to understand what they can offer. Is it just a list of leads, or do they take the time to learn about your business needs first? Do they provide integration with your customer relationship management (CRM) system? Do they offer a free trial for you to test the waters?

Take it from me, you need to dig deep into where they source their leads from and whether they’re GDPR compliant. These questions will help you understand if a lead list provider aligns with your expectations and business objectives.

Step 2: Compare Prices – Find the Right Balance

The cost of leads can vary significantly, depending on factors such as industry, parameters, and delivery time. Let me share a bit of wisdom with you – if it’s too cheap, it might indicate low quality. If it’s too expensive, it could be packed with features you don’t necessarily need.

But the most important thing to remember? It needs to fit within your budget. As a rule of thumb, consider the price per lead against the potential return on investment it could provide. It’s a tricky balance to strike, but necessary for making a wise investment.

Step 3: Assess the Reputation – Look Before You Leap

I can’t stress this enough – taking the time to research your chosen provider’s reputation can save you from many potential headaches down the line. A quick internet search can provide insights from other users’ experiences, reviews, and ratings.

Pay close attention to any red flags regarding their validation process and data sourcing. A piece of advice from Edamame’s CMO is to ask how they source their leads and how they use them themselves. As he puts it, “You’ll be surprised at the answers you’ll hear.”

In the End, It’s About Making an Informed Decision

Remember, buying leads is an investment in your business’s growth. It requires careful thought and consideration. Following these three steps will not only help you make an informed decision but also increase your chances of purchasing high-quality leads that align with your business needs. It’s something I’ve learned from my journey, and I’m sure it’ll serve you well in yours.

The journey doesn’t end with buying the leads – it’s just the beginning. We’ve posted a long review on Creating Lead Lists that you should review, but here are some practical tips based on my personal experiences and real-world application: Stay engaged in the process, follow through with all prospecting steps, and make sure your data remains clean and updated.

Remember, quality of data may not matter if you don’t know what to do with it later. Learning from my own experiences can save you some valuable time and resources!

Here’s our full list of 21 lead list providers that you can buy leads from:


Pricing: By request

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Available

Key Offering: ZoomInfo provides more than 65 million phone numbers and over 150 million email addresses to discover buyers that match your ideal customer profile (ICP). It’s a comprehensive lead data platform with an emphasis on quality.


Pricing: $74 to $299 per month

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Available

Key Offering: UpLead is a business lead database provider that offers access to millions of lead records, providing more than just basic contact details for personalized outreach efforts.


Pricing: By request

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Not available

Key Offering: DiscoverOrg is a tool for gathering lead information, focusing on B2B decision-makers. It provides a wide scope of data on leads from various industries for multiple purposes.


Pricing: $29 per month

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Not available

Key Offering: Salesfully is a tool for small businesses that provides millions of leads ready for unlimited searching and downloading.


Pricing: $49 to $499 per month

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Available

Key Offering: AeroLeads is a lead generation tool that works as a Google Chrome extension. It also provides data enrichment, email verification, and integration with your CRM.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Pricing: $79.99 to $125 per user per month

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Available, except for the cheapest subscription plan

Key Offering: LinkedIn Sales Navigator is an essential lead list-building tool, used by a majority of sales experts. It’s useful for building a lead list for yourself or for getting additional information about your leads in the social media pool.


Pricing: $0 to $99 per month

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Not available

Key Offering: LeadMine is a service where you can buy sales leads that offers data filters, email finder, and email verification.


Pricing: $29 to $44

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Available

Key Offering: Lusha provides highly targeted leads, building a personalized connection with potential customers by providing access to their professional contact details.


Pricing: By request

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Available

Key Offering: Leadiro provides accurate B2B data for targeted sales campaigns, with over 44 million B2B profiles in its database.

Infotanks Media

Pricing: By request

Free Trial: Not Available

CRM Integration: Available

Key Offering: Infotanks Media is a lead data provider that offers reliable, high-quality leads. They provide marketing lists, CRM data enrichment, and technology user lists.


Pricing: $399 per month

Free Trial: Not Available

CRM Integration: Available

Key Offering: BoldLeads is a real estate lead generation company that offers real estate leads to realtors. The platform includes an automated marketing system.


Pricing: By request

Free Trial: Not Available

CRM Integration: Available

Key Offering: GrowthIntel uses AI to provide leads that are most likely to convert, delivering better ROI for sales and marketing efforts.


Pricing: $132.30 to $447.30 per month

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Available

Key Offering: LeadFuze is an all-in-one lead generation tool that generates targeted leads from professional social networks.

Find That Lead

Pricing: $49 to $399 per month

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Not available

Key Offering: Find That Lead provides an easy way to find the right contact in a company, offering email verification and prospecting to optimize your sales team’s work.


Pricing: $29 to $99 per month

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Available

Key Offering: LeadsBridge is an all-in-one solution for lead generation, lead syncing, and CRM retargeting.


Pricing: By request

Free Trial: Not Available

CRM Integration: Available

Key Offering: Anyleads offers a suite of products including a powerful B2B lead generation tool, email finder, and B2B social media influencer database.


Pricing: By request

Free Trial: Not Available

CRM Integration: Available

Key Offering: NetLine offers a content-based lead generation solution, promising to deliver highly targeted leads to businesses.

Pricing: $49 to $99 per month

Free Trial: Available

 CRM Integration: Available 

Key Offering: offers an integrated platform for predictive prospecting, sales engagement, and actionable analytics.

Voila Norbert

Pricing: $39 to $249 per month

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Not available

Key Offering: Voila Norbert offers lead generation with email finder and email verifier tools, ensuring you have the most accurate contact data for your leads.

Data Axle 

Pricing: $149 to $299 per month

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Not available

Key Offering: An easy-to-use platform that gives you unlimited viewing access to millions of business leads and consumer leads as well as a built in outreach tool for your calling, emailing and direct mail needs. Operating since 1972.


Pricing: $39 to $279 per month

Free Trial: Available

CRM Integration: Not available

Key Offering: MegaLeads prides itself on being a pioneer in the database marketing and demand generation business space. We have spent more than two decades creating and organizing quality B2B prospect data and effective distribution tactics.

Needless to say that if you’re looking for experts in buying, creating, maintaining, and integrating lead lists with different technology platforms — we’re always available to help at Edamama 😊
